• Bourbon Whiskey

    Bourbon Whiskey

    Our first aged spirit usually follows the same grain bill as the corn whiskey. This base spirit is…

  • Rye Whiskey
  • Single Malt Whiskey

    Single Malt Whiskey

    Our longest aged spirit begins when our single malt base is added 10 gallon barrels, and is aged…

  • American Unpeated Single Malt Whiskey
  • Honey Whiskey

    Honey Whiskey

    We took one of our used Bourbon barrels and filled it with honey from our farm for a few months. …

  • Maple Whiskey

    Maple Whiskey

    Imagine taking the same idea as the honey whiskey only doing it with local organic maple syrup, a…

  • Corn Whiskey

    Corn Whiskey

    This particular whiskey is 85% corn and 15% malted barley, being high corn it has a distinctive…

  • Unaged Rye Whiskey 375ml

    Unaged Rye Whiskey 375ml

    Each whiskey derives its own unique character from the grains used to compose it. In our rye…

  • Unaged Single Malt Whiskey

    Unaged Single Malt Whiskey

    This non-barreled whiskey is made in a true ‘Scotch’ style. It is 100% malted barley, 50% of which…